A groundbreaking web series that tells the story of Kevin Summers, a successful corporate executive that returns to his family’s farm after 30 years to take on the greatest challenge of his life: growing 80 acres of hemp for CBD oil. The series spanned 7 episodes and chronicled how dripline irrigation (care of sponsor Netafim USA) was essential to the process.
Multi-camera virtual events, cinematic shorts, commercials, and testimonial videos tell a moving story.
The Chemistry of Storytelling
Our digital marketing and content production studio, LAB186 fuses creative concept development and planning with production capabilities, designed to create branded content and digital marketing campaigns.
Broadcast Advertising
Dreamscape – Happy Wax
To maximize audience reach and expand to new markets, we create beautiful, professional-quality advertisements optimized for broadcast, OTT streaming, or digitally served ads.
Authentically You – Barco Uniforms
Recognizing the branding opportunity to showcase medical scrubs in a natural environment, we filmed a series of short videos that present actual medical professionals in their lifestyle wearing the Grey’s Anatomy line of Barco Uniforms medical scrubs.
Blog Series
Rose Parade – Fiesta Parade Floats
In the week before the New Years Day Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA, hundreds of volunteers assemble the final touches of beautiful parade floats. With filming and uploading new original content every day, users are brought in behind the scenes to engage with the company.
Fiesta Parade Floats
Bingo Blitz – Playtika
For the latest experience in gameplay, we filmed celebrities in a greenscreen set to interact with virtual animated characters. For digital products and concepts, we could also animate and apply motion graphics.
Bingo Blitz
Case Study
The Pioneers – Netafim USA
To engage with a traditionally skeptical audience in new media frontiers, building true-life case studies into cinematic short films is the best way to convert users to make them passionate about your products.
Kiss My Lash – GoodJanes Beauty
Enabled for all lifestyle verticals, we filmed and produced beautiful content for this client. And we can do so for any product or service either in-studio, on-location, original sets, or when participating in events.
Kiss My Lash
Social Content
Perch Mobility, Medicevo, Curator Paint
Using original assets around a product or utilizing an existing library of assets, we create custom original branded content that was optimized for awareness and engagement in social media.
"Izi" - Medicevo
"Rider" - Perch Mobility
"Knotted Ivy" - Curator
"Horseshoe" - Curator